BL - 40 Leadership Qualities



  1. Purpose of the Course:

This subject is designed in order to develop the leadership qualities of Christians.

  1. Various definitions of Leadership

One who takes the lead and goes ahead to show the way.

One, who guides, directs and commands.

One who influences the attitudes and actions of others.

Some one that others want to follow.

One with ability to motivate others to achieve a goal.


“A leader is a person with God given capacity and with God given responsibility to influence a specific group of God’s people toward God’s purposes for the group.”  Robert Clinton


III.    The need of Godly Christian Leaders


Crucial need for leadership  –  without good leadership confusion reigns – lawlessness abounds   –   people are like sheep without a shepherd.


  1. Leadership – the call of God



It all starts with a call from God!  It is through the church that God wants to carry out His purpose and that’s why basically all believers have responded to a call from God, according to His purpose (II Thes. 2 : 13-14).  We are called by God, out of darkness for a purpose I Pet. 2 : 9.  God has prepared a work for every believer that only he can achieve Eph. 2 : 10.  We need to be zealous to make our calling and election more sure by godly conduct.  II Pet. 1 : 10 (e.g. defacing of envelope with stamps) and as we abide in Him we will be fruitful for our Master, because that’s the reason He choose us.  John 15 : 16.




Call to Leadership / Ministry

Above and beyond this general calling is the highest call into the ministry of Lord Jesus Christ.  It’s a divine call to distinct ministry and / or leaderhip role.  This is a tremendous privilege, but also a great responsibility.

In order to be an effective leader / minister, one must be called by faith to this task.  A true call of God brings great confidence, it’s knowing that God has initiated it and He’s going to uphold you, even when it gets tough.  Therefore, only a true call carries the sustaining power and grace to be victorious and successful!


Discerning God’s will?

How do you know you’ve called to leadership / ministry?

All leaders are called by God.  He may not always call the most likely or gifted persons, as His ways are higher than ours(I Cor. 1 : 26-27;Is. 55 : 8-9).  God only knows how much He can work through a particular person, that’s why leaders need to be totally dependent on God and not to rely on natural talents only.


Factors to be considered in regards to a God-given call to ministry or leadership:


  1. Is there a clear sense of God’s calling?

Ambitious is good (I Tim. 1 : 9) but not enough.  We need to know that God has called us! May be not as dramatic as the apostle Paul, but in our hearts / lives we know He called us. (Heb. 5 : 4 ; Ps. 75 : 6-7).  A real call of God is like a seed planted in a field, which will grow when given even half a chance.  A true call will be productive and lead to action.


  1. A heart for the work

Is there a willingness to serve the Lord?  Are there God-given desires that accompany the call?  There should be a deep concern for the souls of people.  A readiness to sacrifice and love, care and concern for the people as they are.  Fulfilling the call is burning in our bones (Jer. 20 : 9).  Wholehearted willingness to embrace the call (Matt. 16 : 24).  Willing to deny himself, (self-discipline), willing to take up the cross (to suffer offences for the Word or Ministry) and to follow Him (100% commitment)!


  1. Exercise of gift

A person’s gift / ministry makes room for itself, but it’s the character that will keep him there!  (Prov. 18 : 16).  Is the call resulting in the inner spiritual drive (not strife!) to move forward, use one’s gifting and willing to draw from one’s potential in God.  (I Pet. 3 : 10).  A sincere effort to use our talents and resources to fulfill our calling.  The calling should be gripping, so that it produces purposeful action. Willing to spend much time in prayer and in study  of the Word in order to progress and mature (II Tim. 2 : 5).


  1. Fruitfulness

As you begin to move into your calling and using your gifts, are there signs of fruitfulness?  Do others recognize the anointing on your ministry? (II Tim. 1 : 6 ; I Pet. 4 : 10).  God’s grace is always effective and it produces fruit in us and in the lives of those to whom we minister (I Cor. 15 : 10-11).  Effectiveness is the real witness that one is truly called and gifted by God. 


  1. What does Jesus talk about leadership? – Mark 10 : 35-40


  1. There is sovereignty in spiritual leadership – Jesus said to the disciples that, “to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared.
  2. There is suffering in leadership – without the cross there is no crown.
  3. There is a cost to pay – 1 Pet 2 : 20 & 21
  4. There should be the spirit of servant-hood –  He is our model as we read in John 13.


What can we learn from the life of Jesus Christ.


  1. Dependance on His Father – John 5 : 19/ John 15 : 4
  2. Emptied Himself – Phil. 2 : 7


What does prophet Issaiah tell about Jesus’ qualities – Is. 42 : 1-4


  1. Annointed by the Spirit
  2. Approvoed – I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight.
  3. Modesty – not shout or cry out
  4. Empathy – This means the ability to understand and share the feelings of some one. –  A bruised reed he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out.
  5. Optimistic – He will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice.



  1. Leadership – qualifications / Criteria for leadership




In the Bible we see God looking for a certain man, an individual, to fulfill His divine purpose (e.g.  I Sam. 13 : 14; Ezek. 22 : 30).  Even so in the Church, Christ desires mature believers who model godly attitude and actions to lead and minister by example, doing the work of service.  One may be called to the ministry while getting saved, yet in order to see this call confirmed by the local church certain Biblical conditions will have to be met.


In the New Testament we see that in the early days of the church, as the work continued to grow, new leaders were carefully selected and chosen.  This was done on the basis of specifications given by the apostles (Acts 6 : 3).  Later on we see that Paul expands upon these and gives more detailed instructions to Timothy, as he had to choose and appoint new leaders in the churches.  Based upon I Tim. 3 : 1 – 2 the following seven qualifications for spiritual leadership can be distinguished.


Leadership qualifications:


I Tim. 3 : 1-7


  1. Good reputation / Above reproach

I Tim. 3 : 2 says that a leader’s life and conduct needs to be “worthy of respect” and “above approach”.  Titus 1 : 7 talks of being “blameless”.  This doesn’t mean that a person has to be perfect to be a church leader but that there is nothing in his life with which people can (ordinarily) find fault.  His life will be patterned in line with Biblical standards.  (Remember  –  a chain is only as strong as its weakest link).


The character of the leader should command the respect of the outsiders as well as inspire confidence in those he is called to lead.


  1. Husband of but one wife


          Only one wife in home and in mind.  This talks about purity in life.


  1. Temperate
  2. Self controlled
  3. Respectable
  4. Hospitable
  5. Able to teach
  6. Not given to drunkenness
  7. Not violent but gentle
  8. Not quarrelsome
  9. Not a lover of money
  10. Manage his own family well
  11. See that his children obey
  12. Not a recent convert but a mature believer
  13. Good reputation with outsiders.


How does the spiritual maturity show up?


  1. A settled and undivided heart

          ! Kings 18 :1 ; Psalm 86 : 11 ; Eze. 11 : 19

  1. Untroubled heart

          Gen. 41 : 8 ; John 14 : 1 & 27 ; 1 Pet. 5 : 7 ; Mat. 11 : 30

  1. Unoffended heart

          Jonah 4 : 1

  1. Unmoved heart

          Acts 20 : 24 ; 1 Thes. 3 : 3 ; 1 Cor. 15 : 58

  1. Integrity

          1 Kings 9 : 4


1 Pet. 5 : 1-7


  1. Not because you must but because you are willing
  2. Not greedy for money. Money is the root of all evil
  3. Eager to serve
  4. Noot lording it over
  5. Be examples to the flock
  6. Clothe yourself with humility



VII.   Responsibilities of leadership


  1. THEIR LINE OF MINISTRY. Leaders are called of God to :


  • Serve the people by shouldering burdens (Is. 32 : 1 – 2 ; Heb. 13 : 17 ; Acts 20 : 28).
  • Initiate (John 10 : 4 ; Neh. 2 : 11 – 16).
  • Guide (Ps. 23 : 3 ; 2 Sam. 5 : 2 ; Tit. 2 : 1,2,5 & 6).
  • Train (2 Tim. 2 : 2 ; 1 Pet. 5 : 3 ; 2 Thes. 3 : 9 ; 1 Tim. 4 : 12; 2 : 7).
  • Resolve disputes (Ex. 18 : 21 – 22).
  • Discipline (1 Tim. 5 : 19 – 20 ; 1 Thes. 5 : 12 – 14).


VIII. The cost of leadership




No one becomes a person of God by accident.  No one becomes a person of God overnight.  We become children of God in a moment; we become people of God over a period of time.  A casual commitment to Christ will not make you godly or Christ-like.  No one becomes a person of God except by a deliberate set of the soul. 

You cannot earn nearness to Christ, but there is a price to pay:


  1. Maintain a supreme commitment to Jesus. It costs priority commitment to Jesus.  He must become your Alpha and Omega, your supreme desire.  It costs the giving of your time to Him, lavish self-giving, the setting of yourself apart of Jesus.  It costs flaming love for Jesus, sacrificial devotion to Him, and un-bashed expressions of your love to Him.

There must be determined, unwavering seeking to please Jesus above  all else, a “Jesus first” attitude of your soul.  There must be a waiting in His presence, not merely a willingness, but actual quality time alone with Jesus.  He must be your supreme joy, your transcendent passion, and your uneclipsed glory as you share His undisturbed and unbroken communion, bask in His Presence, and delight in His love.

Then with unveiled face you will reflect the glory of Jesus and be constantly transfigured (the actual Greek word) into His likeness from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3 : 18).  This is what Paul calls pursuing godliness (1 Tim. 6 : 11).  It requires continuing effort, eagerness, persistence, and inflexibility in the pursuit.  Regardless of what else needs to be sacrificed, with Paul you must say, “This one thing I do.”


  1. Train yourself to be godly.  Paul contrasts physical training with spiritual training (1 Tim. 4 : 7).  The Greek word Paul uses is the root for our word “gymnasium.”  It implies disciplined, regular, strenuous exercise.  Just as an Olympic athlete, training for the event of his life, sacrifices all else and disciplines himself early and late to toughen and train his body, so you are to spend your energies and your hours, as far as possible, investing your time and making whatever sacrifice is required to be more truly a person of God.

      And what is the purpose of your making this holy training, this spiritual discipline your supreme priority?  It is to know Jesus, become one in a spirit with Jesus, and identify with Jesus so that you are transfigured into His likeness (2 Cor. 3 : 18).  Your supreme priority is not what you do for Jesus, but to be like Him.Then all you so passionately do for Him will flow out of this deepest of all commitments.  To make this possible two more steps are required.


  1. Saturate your soul in the Word. Immerse yourself in the Word from Genesis to Revelation, but especially in everything relating to Jesus, including the whole of the New Testament and Psalms.  It is the most tangible means at your disposal.  Feed on God’s Word, drink in God’s Word, and bathe your soul in God’s Word.  Read it – read all of it.  Read it over and over and over until it penetrates the fiber of your spiritual being.

You cannot be a person of God without being a person of the Word.  If you are an authority on anything, be an authority on God’s Word.  If you have a hobby of any kind, make God’s Word your hobby.  If you spend time with any reading, read God’s Word.  Store it in your heart.  Think on it, meditate on it, and memorize it, dream of it.  Apply it in your heart and life.  Spend major time each day with the Word.

The word will feed you, nourish you, and strengthen you.  It will enlighten you and guide you.  Make it your priority guide and your final authority.  When God’s Word speaks, that settles it for you.  Paul points out in 2 Corinthians 3 : 16 (Greek) that the Holy Spirit takes away the veil that covers the hearts of the unsaved when they read the Bible.  The Spirit through the Word transfigures us into the likeness of Jesus from one degree of glory to another.  This is what makes us persons of God.  You should spend approximately as much time with the Bible itself (not just books about the Word) as in prayer.


  1. Give Jesus your prayer time.  Prayer is the greatest, most eternally beneficial way you can invest your time.  Prayer is the most Christ-like activity you can engage in, for He today lives to intercede.  Prayer is the greatest, most lasting, most rewarding investment you can make while alive on earth.  Prayer is the most precious gift you can give to Jesus.

 Moses was closer to God and spent more time alone with God, as far as we know, than any other Old Testament leader had ever done.  When the Israelites saw Moses after his forty days on the mountain they did not seem to have been specially impressed.  But after his eighty days on the mountain, they were over-awed by the glory on his face.

Spend much time with Jesus both in communion and in sharing His intercessory burden for the world and the Church.  When husbands and wives love each other and grow together over many years, it sometimes almost seems as though they begin to resemble each other.  They often have similar attitudes, gestures, vocabulary, and even at times similar facial features.  When a child idolizes a  parent, you may begin to note a resemblance in mannerisms, attitudes, and words.

To become a person of God, we must spend much time with Jesus.  The more you love Him, the more you will want to spend time with Him.  A weak prayer life always testifies to weak love of Jesus.  You cannot have a merely nominal or casual prayer life when you are passionately devoted to the Lord.  The more you are with Him, the more you will think and speak like Him, respond and resemble Him.  You will be a person of God.


  1. 5. SUFFERING :     1 John 3 : 16 ; Mk. 10 : 44 & 45 – The disciples recognized Jesus after resurrection not by His appearance, not by His Words but by His wounds.  Scars are the authentic mark of faithful discipleship and true spiritual leadership.  Paul was willing to pay the price and carried the scars.  2 Cor. 4 : 8 – 11 ; 11 : 22 – ff


  1. LONELINESS : Human nature craves company.  One of the heaviest prices to be paid but it must be paid.  2 Tim. 1 : 15


  1. FATIGUE :          John 4 : 6 The world is run by tired men and women.  (2 Cor. 4 : 15 & 16; Is. 40 : 31)


  1. CRITICISM :       Mat. 11 : 18 & 19 There is nothing else that so kills the efficiency, capability and initiative of a leader as destructive criticism is.  Its destructive effect cannot be underestimated.  No leader is exempt from criticism and his humility will no where be seen more clearly than in the manner in which he accepts and reacts to it should set us for self examination heart searching and prayer.  Beelzebub – carpenter from Nazareth.


  1. REJECTION : 21 : 42 ; Mk. 8 : 31 ; Lk. 4 : 14 “No one is even fully accepted until he has first of all been utterly rejected.  The rugged path of utter rejection was trodden not only uncompanionably but with rejoicing.




11.COST TO OTHERS : There would be a price to pay not only by yourself but by those dearest to you.


12.REACTION TO ADVERSE OPINION : Gal 1 : 10 Not unduly disturbed to the adverse opinion of his fellowmen.


  1. Preparations and testing


INTRODUCTION :   Is. 49 : 1 – 3


Isaiah was made a polished arrow by the Lord in order to be used by Him.  The shaft of an arrow must undergo much before it will be a straight polished instrument that will hit the mark when aimed and fired correctly.  In the same way, God will attempt to do some preparation work in your life so that you will hit the mark that God has pre-ordained for your life.

As such, every leader who is going to be used by God must be prepared by Him.  Proper preparation may be costly, but it is the only way a leader can function effectively and fruitfully for God.


To prepare something is to make it ready so that it is going to be usable and function properly.  In Is. 64 : 8, we find the analogy of the potter working with his clay.   Before any beautiful, useful result can be achieved, the clay needs to be made ready, worked, dried and taken through the fire.  In the same way, leaders need to undergo a process of preparation before they can function in their role as a leader.  In this process, God will allow them to be stripped to their self-dependence and be moulded in what He wants them to be.


Trials and testing are God’s way of preparing us for leadership.  Our God is a consuming fire (Heb. 12 : 29), who shakes that which can be shaken in order to be left with the unshakeable (Heb. 12 : 25).  As a result of the testing of God in our life, we can either progress by faith and persevere or regress into unbelief and despair (Jas. 1 : 2 – 4).  Leaders need to learn how to stand on God’s Word and go on until they see it fulfilled.  This is the way to spiritual maturity and growth in exercising and demonstrating our faith in God.






From Ps. 11 : 5, we learn that the Lord tests the righteous.  It’s good to keep this in mind so we know how to respond in the right ways.  At times we face problems as a result of our own mistakes and at other times we may indeed face the devil troubling us.  The discerment of the cause of our trial is important, because:


  1. If it’s God’s dealing: we need to submit (Jas. 4 : 7a), and depending on His grace to go through the test and be victorious (1 Cor. 10 : 13).


  1. If it’s our own mistake : learn from it.


  1. If it’s an attack of Satan : stand against it and fight it off to overcome. (Jas. 4 : 7b)






We see this in the life of the saints of Old Testament, e.g. Abraham who was tested to offer up Isaac and because he obeyed he inherited a mighty blessing (Gen. 22 : 15 – 18).  Obedience honours God and pleases Him; it is better than sacrifice (I Sam. 15 : 22).  Yet each one learns it by suffering and chastisement (Heb. 12 : 6 – 8).  Even Jesus had to undergo painful suffering to be perfected, how much more will God use the problems in our life to mature us!  (Heb. 5 : 8).




God wants to see what our heart is really set on.  Only the test will show one’s true and deepest motives:  is it for God’s kingdom or selfish gain, e.g. the life of Balaam (Numbers Ch. 22 – 24).  The prophet Balaam was moved by selfish greed.  He knew he could only speak the word of the Lord, yet it appears he ultimately gave wicked counsel although in the beginning he refused the bribe to curse Israel.  His motives were not pure.  (II Pet. 2 : 15 ; Jude 11).




In Jas. 1 : 2 – 4 the Word teaches us that there is no short cut nor escape, nor do fiery or deals produce instant results.  But when they come we should joyfully embrace them and endure and persevere in the midst of them.  A perfect example is found in the cocoon and the butterfly.  A butterfly was emerging from a cocoon and after 45 minutes only the head and part of one wing had emerged free.  An observer thought to help the struggling butterfly speed up the process and took a sharp penknife and cut the cocoon open to release and emerging larvae.  Surprisingly he found out that only the part which had emerged through great effort and struggle was developed.  The part he had cut free was still underdeveloped and not ready to be exposed to the elements outside the cocoon.  Instead of helping the larvae become a butterfly he aborted the process.  The half developed butterfly soon died.  In the same way, at times we try help others in their difficulty only to discover that they fall back into the same problem again a short while later.  Had we allowed them to suffer for a while and learn the lesson God was trying to teach them it would have been better for them and the church.




We may be able to fool people into following us, but God is never fooled.  Only those who are called and anointed by God can take the pressures of living as a leader over time.  As God puts His people in desperate situations those who do not feel a true call from God upon their lives, will drop out of the preparation process, which is best for them and the chuch.  In Is. 48: 10 it says, I have chosen You in the furnace of afflictions, trials and frustrations.  He will see our response to adverse and difficult situations and through His grace we are able to learn and grow.

Yet not all may pass the test (Matt. 20 : 16).  Rev. 17 : 14 adds one more quality to the called and chosen and that is faithful.  Even at the cost of life they remained faithful to the Lord.


  1. TO TEST OUR FAITH IN GOD’S WORD (PROV. 30 : 5 ; PS. 12 : 6)


Even though God may have given you a word or a promise, He will test you with it.  You may experience circumstances that seem to nullify the written or living Word of God and you may feel He has forgotten His Promise.  God will test His Word in your life to you, as a leader, to reject your own resources and depend only on God’s strength to bring His Word to pass.  This may not be easy, especially when one has many talents and abilities.

E.g. the life of Joseph (Gen. 37 : 45).  As a teenager the Lord had given him two dreams that he would be a leader even of his family.  Yet he is sold as a slave and eventually ends up in prison.  Ps. 105 : 17 – 19.  The Word of the Lord tested (refined) him, but as he held on he finally saw the fulfillment of God’s Word to him.  During this testing time God developed character, wisdom and humility in his life.




Through testing God equips leaders with the spiritual understanding and necessary experiences of life they need to help and understand the people they minister to.  All believers experience a veriety of tests and trials.  Only those leaders who have successfully overcome God’s tests for themselves will be able to help other believers through the same tests.




Therefore :







“Make me a Leader” – Robert Clinton

“Spiritual Leadership” – Oswald Sanden

Mission Leaders’ Training Course




Read the book of Nehemiah and answer the following questions.


  1. What are the characteristics of Nehemiah?
  2. What were the oppositions, he faced?
  3. How did he overcome those oppositions?
  4. How did he bring revival among the Jews?


Note : Send the assignment to CALS with your Name & Registration No.



This Courseware is prepared and taught by Mr. Victor Sitther, Principal, Academy for Church Planting and Leadership, Bangalore at Seminar on Leadership in CALS,  Nagercoil.




  1. Motive for leadership


  1. Did you ever want a higher position to feel important?

Can you describe why and how that happened?

  1. Did you ever seek leadership for more financial security?
  2. How did you refrain from personal praise instead of God’s praise?
  3. For which personal needs are you not trusting God? List one!
  4. Have you ever felt you were doing your work out of guilt or obligation instead of joy? Name an instance!
  5. Have you sought to compare yourself with those of different gifts, background and calling? How does this frustrate you?
  6. Do you spend time to compare yourself with others? Who?
  7. Why do you compare yourself with this person?
  8. Do big / small numbers affect your leadership? Should they?


  1. Leadership-style, motivator Rom. 12 : 8 ; Administrator – 1 Cor. 12 : 28


  1. Do you like to work with people rather than specific tasks?
  2. Do you consider yourself a people-motivator or organizer?
  3. Do you desire to take care of people under your leadership?
  4. Do you desire to meet needs immediately when you see them?
  5. Can you make quick decisions in times of stress and difficulty?
  6. Do you feel responsible for things? Do you have to do it all?
  7. Can you show what type of leader you are? Why?


  1. Communication


  1. Do you communicate daily with the Lord in prayer?
  2. Do you take time to communicate with your wife?
  3. Can people disagree without affecting their relationship with you?
  4. Do you appreciate viewpoints of others? How do you show them?
  5. Do you look people in the eye and speak directly to them?
  6. Are you willing to admit your mistakes to others?
  7. Are you willing to take the blame for failures in your ministry?
  8. Are you open to new ideas? Can you change your viewpoint?
  9. Do you regularly tell your people, “Thank you!”?
  10. Do you talk too much, and not take time to listen to others?
  11. Do you give clear directions, when assigning a task? (What, etc.)
  12. Are you aware of your eloquence? Do you think it impresses others?
  13. Do you humiliate others to inflate your own importance?
  14. Do you exaggerate to get a better response from others?
  15. Are you critical about small things, loosing sight of the big things?
  16. Do you assume the truth of your statements without proving it?
  17. Are you known by others to be truthful always?
  18. Can you be trusted to keep things in confidence and not gossip?
  19. Do people feel free to talk to you without fear of what you may think, say or do? Do they consider you open?


  1. Loving others


  1. Is there someone in your ministry or church who is hard to love?

Who is he/she and how do you treat him/her?

  1. Do you feel you’re “to busy” to give love to people around you?
  2. If you have too many responsibilities, will you allow others to take some of those burdens? List some of those responsibilities?
  3. Are you patient with your people? What makes you impatient?
  4. Can you name some symptoms of insecurity in your life?
  5. Are you super/sensitive to criticism? How do you overcome this?
  6. Do you take time to build close relationship with others?

How do you do that, and how much time do you take for it?

  1. Do your people know that you love them unconditionally, in spite of their behaviour and failures in the past?


  1. Style of authorship


  1. Are you understanding and sensitive to the people you lead?
  2. Are the people able to pinpoint this ability in your life? How?
  3. How willing are you to be a servant of others?
  4. Do others react positive on your authority, because of your example?
  5. Do you respond quickly to the requests of others?
  6. Do you take time to explain your decision when it affects others?
  7. Do you show partiality? Name a recent instance?
  8. Have you developed the habit of asking instead of demanding?
  9. Do you have a clear job-description for your workers and yourself?

Do they clearly understand this description?

  1. Do you struggle to relate to God as the source of all authority?
  2. Do certain people resist your authority? Who, how and why?
  3. How do you deal with those resisting your authority?
  4. Do you give glory to God for the spiritual progress you make?


  1. Setting an example


  1. How do you compare your job with Moses’ Job? (Ex. 18 : 14-24)
  2. Are there responsibilities that you try to do all by yourself?
  3. How have you trained key-figures around you? (2 Tim. 2 : 2)
  4. Have you violated divine principles in exercising your authority?
  5. Are you an example in living for God for others to follow?
  6. Did you allow others to observe you as their example? How?
  7. How do you open yourself for your key-people?
  8. Do you believe that others should follow your example?
  9. Why do you believe that?


  1. Leadership Check-list (1 Tim. 3 : 1-2; Titus 1 : 5-9)


  1. Is there a constant desire for leadership in your heart? Describe it.
  2. Are you a new, just born-again believer?
  3. Are you devoted to your marriage-partner without any hesitation?

Describe your feelings for your partner?

  1. Do your children (natural and spiritual) respond to your leadership?

Why do or don’t they respond to your leadership?

  1. Are you stable in difficult situations? Describe a recent example!]
  2. Are you realistic in evaluating your talents and gifts?
  3. Are you easily overwhelmed by circumstances?
  4. Are you patient or quickly irritated with people? List a person!
  5. Do you yield to others or must you always be right?
  6. Are you willing to give up questionable things to be a leader? List some things you give up to be leader?
  7. Are there things you still need to give up? When will you do it?
  8. Search yourself in the following areas:

(Rate yourself with: 1 – Weak; 2-average; 3-good; 4-excellent (1 Tim. 3))


  1. A pure heart …     
  2. Alert and awake                      …     
  3. Sober and serious                             …     
  4. A good lifestyle                      …     
  5. A good teacher                        …     
  6. Hospitable                               …     
  7. Spiritual maturity                             …     
  8. Abstaining in drinking            …     
  9. Diligent (not lazy)                  …     
  10. Not greedy (money)                …     

          K       Patient                                     …     

  1. Easily to approach                 …
  2. Openly one with Jesus …

                   (Confessing Him)                    ….

  1. Head of the family …

                   (When you are a man)

  1. Submissive to your man …

                   (When you are a woman)

  1. Children under discipline …


  1. When the result is meager, do your know why?
  2. Can you handle criticism without getting bitter or discouraged?

Think about a situation and how you handled it!

  1. How do you deal with loneliness in your life?
  2. Do you realize the necessity of friendships?
  3. How many good friends do you really have? Mention them!
  4. Do they know that they are your best friends?



In Conclusion

I pray that the Holy Spirit will search your heart, and purify your motives by these questions, and that the result will challenge you to be a better servant of the Lord and of His Body, the Church.





                                      Presented by Mr. Victor Sitther, Principal,

                                      ACPL, Bangalore.