BL - 37 Christian Stewardship




Every Christian is a steward in the sight of God and has give us talents, possessions, time etc. He will ask every one “Give an account of your stewardhip”.  We must be good stewards of all that God has given us under our responsibility. This course is designed so as to help every Christian

  • to identify the areas of responsibility
  • to know the importance of responsibility
  • to teach to be a successful steward in his responsibility.


The Meaning of Steward

  The Hebrew word “soken” is related with stewardship.  The Greek word “oikonomos” used in septugint is translated “steward” in English.  The word “steward” means “one who is over the house” (1 King 16 : 9).  Hence a steward is the one who is responsible over something or someone.  He has been given with some responsibility over something by his owner.

The Definition of Stewardship

As a steward works for others, stewardship means working for others or having responsible over something.  Hence Christian stewardship deals primarily with what God has given under our responsibility.


The Basic Principles of Stewardship


  1. A steward must know that he is not a owner but an administrator. Everything belongs to the owner (Lk. 19 : 23 – My money).


  1. The steward must administer or put to use that which he holds under his trust. (Deut 8 : 18)


  1. The steward must administer thw whole of that which he has in trust.


  1. The steward must administer the whole of the trust, according to the will of the owner.


  1. The Steward must administer the whole f the trust in a way that will bring the owner the greatest profit and pleasure.


  1. The steward must be ready to give his account, when the owner asks. (Lk. 12 : 35-48; 19 : 11-27).


  1. The steward must be faithful (1 Cor. 4 : 1,2).


Stewardship in the Old Testament


                   God is the creator and owner of all.  He created man and placed him in the garden of Eden maintain and cultivate it (Gen. 2 : 15).  God was the owner and Adam was the steward.  Adam must rule the earth on behalf of God.  In the old testament, Moses was a good and faithful steward (Num. 12 : 7).  God redeemed Israel from the bondage of Egypt and placed them under the stewardship of Moses.


                   Joseph was also an example of steward.  Pharaoh appointed Joseph as a steward (manager / minister) over Egypt (Gen. 41 : 40, 41), Joseph administered Egypt well on behalf f Pharaoh.  Joseph was an example of successful steward.


                   Saul, the King of United Israel was unfaithful steard.


Stewardship in the New Testament


                   Jesus spoke about a faithful and wise steward (Luke 12 : 42).  Every steward must be prepared to give his account to his master, when the master asked for it (Lk. 16 : 1-12).  In Luke 19 : 11-22, Jesus again spoke about the stewardship.  Apostle Paul was a successful steward in the New Testament.


Examples of the Best Steward


                   Our Lord Jesus Christ is the best steward.  God sent Him as the redeemer of sinful humanity.  Jesus Christ; humbled himself, even to the death of cross (Phil. 2 : 5-8).  He was obedient to the Father.  He did it faithfully and voluntarily (Jn. 4 : 34).


Every Christian is a Steward


                   God expects every Christian to be a good steward after the example of Jesus Christ.  Every Christian must follow the example of Jesus Christ.  Apostle Peter exhorts the Christians to be good stewards (1 Pet. 4 : 10).  We must strive to be good and faithful stewards.


Important Areas of Stewardship


                   Every Christian must give the account to God about all areas of his life.  He should give account about Gospel, Time, Talents, Possession, family etc.  Hence Christians must be careful in his life to be a good steward. A good Christian stewardship will be able to give proper account of his life to God, the owner of all.


The Lordship of God Servanthood of Man

Mathew 25 : 14-15 ; 1 Cor. 4 : 7


                   Man thinks and claims that he is the owner of all that he has.  All from common citizen to the greatest emperors claim “this is mine”.  They say “we bought it” or “we produced it” or We got by our victory or success.  Nebuchadnezzar said, “I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honour of my majesty (Dan. 4 : 30). The claim of Nebuchadnezzar was wrong; so also the claims of every man.  The claims of man disprove as following:

  1. “Right of Might” is not of God. It is contrary to the principle of the word of God and ordered society.  This is the “law of the jungle” carried over to human society where the strong pray  upon the weak.  The power to conquer cannot be the principle of life or conduct in society, homes and families.  In God’s order, the strong is to serve.


  1. The claim of priority of title belongs to God. Before man came upon the scene, the world was here. (Gen. 1 : 1 ; Job 38 : 4).  Prior claim belongs to God.


  1. Regarding the matter of purchase or production, the question must be asked, with what was the payment made or from what was the matter / item produced? I Cor. 4 : 7 ; 1 Chron. 29 : 11-14, Rom. 11 : 35-36 ; Job. 1 : 21 ; 1Tim. 6 : 7.  We come into the world naked.  We go out naked, all we have is of God.   Nothing belongs to use in the world.  All belong to God.  He is the creator, protector, sustainer and owner.  He is the Lord of all.


God’s Ownership / Lordship


                   One the onehand, man’s claim of ownership is disproved; on the other hand God’s claim of ownership is established in many ways.  God’s ownership is established as following:


  1. The earth belongs to God. He made, sustains and perpetuates the world and that is therein (Gen. 1 : 1,27 ; Heb. 1 : 2-3 ; Col. 1 : 16-17).


  1. God claims it (Ex. 19 : 5 ; Ps. 50 : 10-12 ; Gen. 14 : 26-27); because He created all (Gen. 1 : 1) and sustains (Heb. 1 : 3 ; Col. 1 : 17). He claims it because Christ is coming to rule and reign over all (Jn. 14 : 1-3 ; Rev. 11 : 15).


  1. Man belongs to God because God ceated man and sustains his physical life (Gen. 1 : 26-27 ; 8 : 22 ; Dan. 5 : 23 ; Ps. 39 : 5 ; 2 : 9 ; Ecc. 8 : 8).


  1. Believers in particular belong to God. Because they are also created and sustained by God (Gen. 1 : 26-27 ; Dan. 5 : 23), Redeemed by Chrsit (Jn. 10 : 15, 18 ; 1 Pet. 1 : 18-19 ; II cor. 6 : 19-20) and given to christ as a gift by Father (Jn. 6 : 37 ; 17 : 6, 9, 11, 24).


Moreover, God’s ownership is also rcognized in many wasy, as given below:


  • By Israel in giving the tithe (Lev. 27 : 30-31). (We pay property tax to Government. Pay tax shows that the owner of our land is the government.  We just use it by paying tax. So also the ultimate owner of all land (eath) is God.  Israel recognized god’s ownership by paying tithe).


  • Before the law of Mose, a tithe was given to God by Abraham (Gen. 14 : 18-20) and by Jacob (Gen. 28 : 18-22).


  • Commanded by God in the Old Testament (Mal. 3 : 8-10).


  • Reminded by Christ to the Jews in New Testament (Mt. 23 : 23).


                   The early church also offered money and property as their sacrificical giving (Act. 4 : 32-35 ; 1 Cor. 16 : 2 ; 2 Cor. 8 & 9).  By giving, the early church recognized God’s ownership.  Indeed God is the owner of all and man is but a steward of all that God has entrusted to him.


Wisdom and Faithfulness in Stewardship (Mt. 24 : 45)




                   Wisdom in Stewardship is necessary (Lk. 16 : 2,3).  Wisdom in stewardship is directly related to the Lord’s coming; the brevity of life and the consideration of eternity (Jn. 9 : 4 ; Ps. 90 : 12 ; Dan. 12 : 3 ; Prov. 11 : 30).


                   God’s word gives us four things as examples (Pro. 30 : 24-28).


Ants            –        Proper preparation in the proper time

Conies         –        Proper protection

Locusts        –        Wisdom for proper order and strength of unity

Spider         –        Wisdom of persistence (not quitting)


                   We used to choose wisely (1 King 3 : 5-9).  We should choose the best.  “Approve after the good is the enemy of the best (1 Cor. 9 : 24-27; 2 Tim. 4 : 6-8 ; Heb. 12 : 1 ; Acts 20 : 18-27).


                   There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom.


  • Knowledge refers for “accumulating information either by study or by experience”


  • Wisdom refers for “applying the accumulated knowledge in one’s life”


                   So, every Christian must gain knowledge of all, especially about God’s word and he must apply it in his daily life.




                   Faithfulness is a rare quality (Mt. 25 : 14-30 ; Luk. 16 : 10 ; 1 Cor. 4 : 2).  Faithfulness brings blessing (Pro. 28 : 20).  We have some examples for faithfulness in the Bible. (Rev. 2 : 13 ; Nehemiah 7 : 2 ; Heb. 3 : 5)  (Read : Pro. 11 : 13 ; 25 : 13 ; Lk. 19 : 17 ; 2 Cor. 5 : 18-20).


MOTIVATION in Stewardship


                   People get motivation for achievement in their life.  So also, stewardship must be motivated.  There are wrong motivation and Right motivation.


                   Some come to ministry due to the carnal fear.  Carnal fear is not a proper motive for stewardship (or) ministry.


  • Fear has torment (1 Jn. 4 : 18-19).


  • Unwilling or Fearful service is not pleasing to God (1 Peter 5 : 2).


  • Selfish interest is not a proper motion for stewardship (1 Pet. 5 : 2 ; Phil. 21 ; Mt. 6 : 24 ; Lk. 16 : 13). These are wrong motives.


              Right motivations of stewardship are as following:

     God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9 : 7 ; Lk. 19 : 21-26 ; Jer. 13 : 4-7).  Hence “love of god” is the right motive in stewardship.  Love toward God and God’s word must motivate us for stewardship, as lover motivated Paul (2 Cor. 5 : 14-15); as well as;


  • Christ may be magnified in Body (Phil. 1 : 20).
  • To please the one who has chosen him (gal. 1 : 10 ; Eph. 6 : 6, 7 ; 2 tim. 2 : 2,4 – A good soldier is both prepared and obedient). (Jn. 8 : 29 – The Lord Jesus Christ).
  • To glorify the Lord (Jn. 15 : 8 ; 1 cor. 6 : 19-20; Jn. 17 : 4 ; 14 : 9). A faithful administrator of the trust will bring glory and honour to the owner and the greatest furtherance, possible, of His purpose and desire. In this regard – reaching people for Christ and building them up in the Lord. Col. 1 : 27-28.
  • Reward (Mt. 10 : 42). God will reward the faithful steward. This promise can motivate us (Rev. 4 : 11 ; Mt. 25 : 21, 23).


                   We have discussed the basic principles and essentials of stewardship.  Now we are going to study about different areas of Christian stewardship, such as Evangelism (Gospel), Family, Time, Talents, Posessions.

  1. Stewardship of Grace in Evangelism and Discipleship


Before we learn about the stewardship of Evangelism, we must know, “What is meant by gospel?”.  In Answering, Gospel means “good news”.  However, in the biblical sense, Gospel means “good news of the death, burial and surrection of Jesus Christ on behalf of a sinner” (1 Cor. 15 : 3,4).  Jesus died for sinners is the good news oto a sinner.  Jesus died on the cross for us.  Believing this goodness (gospel), a sinner is saved and received in the family of God (! Cor. 5 : 17; Jn. 1 : 12).




                      Evangelism means “proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ”.  Every Christian is commanded by Jesus Christ to proclaim the gospel (Mt. 28 : 18-20).  There are three areas in Evangelism and Discipleship.


  (i)         Witnessing  –        Act 1 : 8

  (ii)        Preaching    –        Mk. 16 : 15

  (iii)       Teaching     –        Mt. 28 : 18-19 ; 2 Tim. 2 : 2


              Witnessing is very essential in Evangelism. The disciples were the eye witness of ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Jn. 1 : 1-4 ; Act. 2 : 32).  A witness speaks about what he knows, what God has done for him and what he knows from first-hand information (Lk. 24 : 46-48 ; Jn. 9 : 25).  The first century Christians especially the disciples were direct eye witness of the resurrection of Christ (1 Cor. 15 : 1-8).  Based on their witness, early church continually witnessed to the world about Jesus Chrit.  Hence we are also expected and commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ to be his witness (Mt. 28 : 18, 19).


              Preaching involves “announcing the facts about the Lord Jesus Christ”, especially, His person, and work while witnessing focus    resurrection and accomplishment of Jesus Christ,  preaching focus an accepting Jesus Christ, His person in our life.  Peter sermon focused both of these on the sermon that he preached a – the day of Pentecost (Act 2).  He witnessed first about the resurrectrion of Christ (2 : 32), then he invited others to accept Jesus Chrsit as their saviour (2 : 38-41).  Love of God must motivate us in preaching the gospel (2 Cor. 5 : 14).  One should not come for ministry with the expectation of fame, money, position etc.


              In stewarding, preaching involves the correct handling of God’s word that the learner may understand; and that the learner is provided witth the conditions that placing the faith in the message and the saviour will be realized.  Preaching also involves a faithfulness to the text of God’s Holy word.  In preaching the principles of proper interpretation must be observed. (2 Tim. 2 : 2 ; Pro. 30 : 6 ; Deut. 12 : 32 ; Lev. 22 : 18-19).  In stewardship, teaching involves understanding and applying the principles of God’s word to the learner, as well as to the disciples.  To teach is to “cause to learn”.  Making disciples is the main focus of teaching.  We should teach the biblical principles to the learners so that they can become disciples.  Teaching and training are intertwined in making discipleship.  Hence training is also a part of teaching.  Every disciple must learn from the greatest master Jesus Christ; His life style, character, meekness etc. (Heb. 5 : 11-12 ; Mt. 11 : 29 ; Col. 1 : 28 ; 3 : 16).  If we follow the teachings and life style of Jesus Christ, we can be good teachers of God’s word.


              Every good teacher in the process of teaching must know the learner as well as the subject matter.  Verbal teaching of God’s word and daily conduct cannot be separated.  We learn by hearing the truth; observing the truth worked out in the life of others and doing (practicing) the truth in our own lives.  We often learn more in one act of true obedience to god’s word than many hours of theoretical study.  As said:


              I teach some by what I say.

              I treach more by what I do.

              I teach most by what I am.  (1 Thes. 1 : 5-6 ; 2 : 1-8 ; Pro.20 : 11)


              To make others as disciples, we must first be salt (Mt. 5 : 13-16).  Salt makes food tasty, preserves food and cleanses.  If salt is to be of use, it must lose itself.  Jesus like salt gave His life; so we must be salt.


              Why some Christians are not salt?

  • Probably they are not really born again.
  • They are not clear and honest in their own lives. Their lives testify against the gospel and God’s word.
  • They are not keeping in vital touch with the source that is, the Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot achieve the best without Him “Apart from me you can do nothing” (Jn. 15 : 5).


                   As light, our good works will manifest the worth and effectiveness of the gospel (Mt. 25 : 35-36 ; 5 : 16).  We can do some good works by helping poor, visiting the sick in hospitals to comfort them, and visiting those in prison (Gal. 6 : 8-10).  Are we faithful in every good work? (Col. 1 : 10 ; Jam. 1 : 27 ; tit. 2 : 11-15).  Love should characterize our lives (1 Cor. 13).  Love may be measured by our concern for others.


                   Love gives always.

                   Lust gets all for itself (himself / herself).


                   If we love god, we should give ourselves to God (pro. 23 : 26), and minister to God (2 Cor. 5 : 14).  God loved us.  So He gave Jesus Christ for us (Jn. 3 : 16).  As God loves us we should love our neighbours.  When we love God only, we can be good disciples and we can be effective in witnessing, preaching and teaching.



                   To be a good disciple, the following priorities must be maintained as given in order:


  • Our relationship and walk with god (Jn. 1 : 12 ; Thes. 5 : 16, 17)
  • Our relationship and responsibility for my family (1 Tim. 5 : 5).
  • Our relationship and responsibility to the chuch (Heb. 10 : 25).
  • Our relationship and responsibility to the world (Mt.28 : 19,20)


                   Dear Christians, do we maintain this relationship and responsibility in a meaningful and balanced way in our life?


  1. Stewardship Towards God’s Word (The Bible)


                   The Bible is god’s word for mankind. God revealed His will, plan and purpose to man.  The Bible is proven as God’s word through many historical, archaeological, geographical and scientific evidences.  Jesus Christ gave full credit to the Bible.  Old Testament saints, apostles of Jesus Christ and the Christians through the centuries acknowledged the Bible as God’s word and they believed and practiced the Bible in their lives.  God commands and expects everyman to follow His word (Josh. 1 : 8).


                   Reading the Bible brings joy n our life and it is sufficient guide to our moral life (Ps. 119 : 1, 9, 48, 50, 77, 92, 98, 105, 130, 143, 165).  If we want to be joyful in our life and ministry we have to give importance to God’s word by reading, memorizing, meditating, practicing in life and teaching to others.


                   We have to give importance to God’s word because


  • The Bible is inspired by God (2 Tim. 3 : 16-17).
  • Jesus read the Bible

To begin His ministry and practiced it daily (Luk. 4 : 18-22).

  • Jesus questioned others about their reading habit of the Bible (Mt. 12 : 3,5).
  • The apostles commanded us to believe the scripture (Act. 20 : 32 ; 1 tim. 4 : 13).
  • The early believers read the Bible daily (Act. 17 : 11).
  • The apostles commanded their followers to teach the Bible to others (2 Tim. 2 : 2, 15).
  • The Bible helps us to grow spiritually (1 Pet. 2 : 12).
  • The blessing is promised for reading and practicing the Bible (Rev. 1 : 3)


                   Hence, we hav to read the Bible daily in our life and practice it in our life, family, work and ministry.


                   Do you read and meditate the Bible daily?


  1. Stewardship of Time


                   Time is more precious than all including gold, silver or any precious material.  Now can earn time but one can use the time wisely.  Time is gifted to use by God.  God is the owner of time.  Once you reject His gift of time, you can not get it again.  Hence, God’s word exhorts us to use our time.  “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5 : 16).


                   Since we cannot earn time, but gift of God, a psalmist ask God “So teach us to number our days”. (Ps. 90 : 12).  However we cannot count our days.  But we can use our days in a fruitful way that may bring glory to God and benefit to us.  Every Christian must use time properly. He should not wast any hour.  He should plan well about using the time.


                   Our time plan must be decided well for each day.  We have 24 hours for a day.  We should manage well these 24 hours daily.  Everyday we should plan our schedule which must include Bible reading, prayer, rest etc.


Bible Reading



(hours / minutes)

Prayer time



(hours / minutes)

Reading Newspaper / books



(hours / minutes)

Working / job



(hours / minutes)

Visiting Friends / Relatives



(hours / minutes)

Playing / Recreations



(hours / minutes)

House hold works



(hours / minutes)

Church activities



(hours / minutes)

Social activities



(hours / minutes)

Rest / sleep



(hours / minutes)



24 hours



                   As we plan for a day, we should have some plan for week, month and year.  This time planning / Time management will help us to use the time wisely.


                   If a person do not use time wisely but waste time without working, he would certainly pay for it.  He may even become poor in his last days of life, if not a begger.  Jeremiah, the prophet warns about it (Jer. 8 : 20).


Note :  Watching TV serials, movies for 2 hours gambling, etc. are considered waste of time generally.


  1. Stewardship of Talents


                   God is the4 best and greatest philanthropist.  He loves us (Jn. 3 : 16).  In the dictionary, talent means “any natural mental power or ability”, or ‘person gifted with mental power and ability”.  Hence every skill tht man naturally has been gifted by God to him.  Our physical ability and good health are also gifts of God.  God gives us our natural talents (1 Cro. 29 : 11-14).  Adam was given with abilities and god expected him to do it well (Gen. 2 : 15). 


                   Every one may have diffeent talents such as singing, drawing, painting, acting, eloquence, sporting etc.  Whatever may be our talents, we have to use it for god’s glory (1 Thes. 2 : 4 ; 1 Cor. 10 : 31).  The following principles will help us to understand why we should use our talents for god’s glory.


  • Talent is a free gift of god to us.
  • God is the author of Talent, not the one who has it.
  • Man has no right to keep his talent unused or to misuse his talent.
  • Talent must be used well and fully.
  • Faithfulness and honesty must be maintained in using of talents.
  • One must give proper account to god for his natural talents.


                   When we use our talents, we get satisfaction and joy.  It may evern bring monetary benefits to us.  If we do not use our talents, we may become dejected in our life. 


Note :  As we use our natural talents for God’s glory we have to use our spiritual gift (1 Cor. 12 : 4-10 ; Rom. 12 : 6-8)


Do we use our talents for God?


  1. Stewardship of Possession / Money / Land / Properties


                   Goid created the universe and things therein (Ps. 50 :12b).  All our properties, land, and possession belong to God either through His direct creation or through His created materials used for making things.  Eg. Land we use is direct creation of God.  But the care we use are made from the materials created by God. Hence whatever one may have in his name is certainly granted to him to use it by God.  The real owner is God, not man.  Not only God gives properties and land, but He also grants us stron and health in order to work and earn money (1 Sam. 2 : 8, 10d).  Since God gives us all these blessing, there is a warning in god’s word regarding possessions (Deut. 8 : 11, 13, 14, 16-18).  If we boast about our wealth and success, we must remember Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 4 : 28-33) and the rich ool (Luk 122 : 13-20).


                   Every Christian mut acknowledge that whatever he possesses belong to God.  God is the owner.  Since God is the real owner of all our lands, properties, and money, we must use them very wisely in order to bring glory to God.  We must have a plan in saving and spending our money.


  • We must save some for our future and children (2 Cor. 12 : 14).
  • We must support ministry through our money (Phil. 4 : 14-19).
  • We must help the por Christians (Prov. 19 : 17 ; Lk. 16 : 9 ; Mt. 25 : 40).
  • We must pay the tax to the government (Rom. 13 : 1 ; Mt. 22 : 21).


                   However, we should do all the above in a planned manner.  Money Management is very important in every Christians life and in every Christian family.


Right Way in the Use of Money


                   The way to use money must be based on principles in god’s word.  Often, people fail to discern rightly how to use money.  Some do not know how to spend money.  They waste money by buying things which may not be useful.  Some buy things for them because their neighbour has got those things.  In order to compare with their neigbour and to boast themselves, they buy things that their neighbour has such people buy things on greed, not on real need.


                   Every Christian must be able to discern well between need and greed.  If he really needs anything, he should buy it.  If he does not need a particular thing, but he desires to buy it out of his pride, or attraction toward it; probably this attraction is due to greed.


Eg. One buys a car, even though he is not financially sound to buy a car.  He buy it because his neighbour has got a car.  He wants to show hs pride and to compet  with neighbour.  Such act of buying car is due to pride and greed.  It may lead to destruction of the family financially.


Warning :  Better to avoid, car / vehicle, loans, credit card etc. Avoiding credit cards will help you to control your greed.


Scriptural Caution on Money (1 Tim. 6 : 9-10)


                   Money in itself is not evil.  However love / lust of money is the root of all evil.  The love of money has brought destruction to many believers.  Ue to love of money, some steal and finally end up in prison; some officers get bribe and finally loose their job and reputation; some kill others; some overworks as workaholic and finally lose their helth soon in middle ages.


Note : We brought nothing into this world, we take nothing with us.  Therefore, it is obvious that all the possessions we have held in our trust for wise and faithful administration for the owner (God).


  1. Stewardship of Individual / Life Style


                   Every chrstian is an individual, and unique in God’s creation.  He has soul, spirit and body.  He is responsible all these.


Body : God created body from the earth.  However, the Holy Spiriti indwells in the body after salvation (Eph. 1 : 13 ; 1 Cor. 6 : 19, 20).  Since the Holy Spirit dwells in it, we have to maintain our body pure.  Ur body should not be used to do evil (1 Cor. 6 : 15, 16).  We have give our body as living sacrifice (Rom. 12 : 1,2).


Soul : “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the grounds, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became  iving soul” (Gen. 2 : 7).  Man has soul, which identifies his being or self.  Man has to give account to god for his soul, “For what is a man profited, if he shall going the whole world and lose his own soul?  Or what shall a man give in exchange for his lfe” (Mt. 16 : 26).  As we have to give account to God about our body, we are accountable to God from our soul.  We have to prais God from our soul (Ps. 103 : 1).


Spirit : It has godly conscious.  We should daily commune with God (Jn. 4 : 24).


                   We have to submit our body, soul and spirit to God for our sanctification.  “Now may the god of peace Himself sanctify, you complet4ely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thes. 5 : 23).


Principles of Life Style


  • Every individual as steward is a citizen of heaven. His / her home is there (Phil. 3 : 20 ; 1 Pet. 2 : 11). We are called “pilgrims and strangers” in this world (1 Pet. 2 : 11 ; Heb. 11 : 13-16).  Hence, our life style not to be according to this world (Rom. 12 : 1,2).   Hence Christian steward must understand what the will of god is (Eph. 5 : 17).  He should understand gods will through the Bible (God’s word).  The Bible is rulke for our ife, like the constitution of a country.


  • Worship comes before work. Note the order here. “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve” (Deut. 6 : 12, 13). We bto worship the Lord god before uwe serve Him.


  • Being comes before doing, What you are take precedence over what you are doing? We have to be holy vessels, so that our master can ue us. Before we do anything for God, we better to maintain purity of heart and mind.


  • Listening comes before speaking. The word of God shuts (contrsts) our mouth before He open it to speak for Him. We must listen God’s word daily, before we speak for Him to others (Act 17:11).


  • A christian’s stewardship will be manifest by his life style and in the use of money.


  • The Christian’s body belongs to the Lord (1 Cor. 6 : 19, 20). Hence every natural functions of body is to glorify God.


Food / eating, marriage is honourable (1 Tim. 4 : 1-5  ; Heb. 13 : 4).  All is to be under control of the Holy Spirit.  Our bodies belong to God and are for Him.  Thus all the functions of the body take on significant meaning.




  • Rest (of body) is to be under His control, “not a sluggard”.
  • Eating to be under His control “not a glutten”.
  • Sex to be under Control. It is to be cultivated / trained for love not lust.  Lust is self – getting.  Love is self-giving (Act. 20 : 35 ; 1 thes. 4 : 4, 5).
  • The proper use of money / property and sex will be a basic test of our life style. 19 provides information in regard to self-sacrifice for the Kingdom of God’s sake in regard to marriage and property.
  • A person never reaches his true potential of beauty until the beauty of the Lord is soon in him (Prov. 31 : 30).


  1. Stewardship of the Family / Home


God’s home is to be pattern of every Christian home.  The titles “Father”, “Son”, “spirit” depict a relationship that exists vitally, internally, and eternally in the Godhead: One substance, three distinctive persons; co-eternal, co-31ul in all (Eph. 3 : 14, 15).  God’s home is the origin of homes upon earth.  The first institution God established on earth was family.  God’s home is the head office, we need to establish a branch office (family) after the pattern of the Home office (Heaven).  The branch office (family) must function on the same principles and have the same goals and objectives in mind.  In God’s home, there is total oneness unity, not only oneness of substance but in purpose, design and work.  There is a true living together in partnership an agreeing together.  There is a vital communication and communion in the blessed godhead.


Earth family consists of Father  (Husband), Mother (Wife) and children (Son & Daughter).  Every Christian family must give account to God about their life-style, possession, prayer etc.




The head of family is husband since Adam is created first, the headship is bestowed upon him (1 Tim. 2 : 13, 14).  He has the responsibility of providing substance and security to the family.  Husband must lead the family altar: teaching God’s word, prayer and meditation (Deut. 11 : 18-21).




She is a help-mate to her husband.  She has the responsibility of caring daily family affairs.  She can teach to her children and pray for her husband and children (Eph. 6 : 48, 2 King. 20 : 15 ; 1 Sam. 2 : 1-10).


Husband-wife Partnership Agreement (Eph. 5 : 22-33).


First, both – Husband and wife must submit themselves to God.  Jesus submitted Himself but He was and is not inferior to the Father.  Submission does not mean inferiority.  A Spirit-filled person will submit to oithers.  Submission is done out of true love.  Submission one to another in honour; preferring each other should characterize our home. “ Home, where each lives for other and all live for God.


In God’s Kingdom the servant is the leader.  The husband as the head  of family is to serve his wife in regard to: provision, protection and encouragement.  The wife must lovingly submit to husband and support him.  When the wife submit to god and to her husband, the children will know and to learn to submit to God and to parents.




They are the gifts of God to parents (Ps. 128).  Parents are responsible to provide, protect them.  They must teach God’s word to them (Deut. 11 : 18-21).  They should bring the children in the fear of God (Belief of God).  They should reflect God’s love to their children, so that the children may know the love of God. (Eph. 6 : 4 ; Col. 3 : 21 ; Jud. 13 : 12 ; 2 Tim. 1 : 5).


The children must love and honour their parents (Ex. 20 : 12 ; Eph. 6 : 1-3 ; Col. 3 : 20).  Their love and honour to parents is shown through obedience.  When the parents become old, the children have the responsibility of providing and protect them (1 Tim. 5 : 4).


God’s word and Prayer in Family


As God is the sourfe of all things, god’s word is the source of true guidance to the family as well as to the individual (Ps. 119 : 1).  Hence every family must give centre place to God’s word.  Every family members must read, meditate and obey to god’s word (Rev. 1 : 3).  They should sing God’s praise and pray regularly (Eph. 5 : 14 ; 6 : 18 ; 1 thes. 5 : 17).  It is a well known saying “the family that prays together stays together”.


Family Financial Budget


Husband and wife know well about the income of family.  They should learn to save and to send according to the the income of the family.  Their expenses for food and clothing must be within the limit of family’s income.  Extravagance must be strictly avoided.  They should not spend much on luxury.  Every family must save for future without deceiving God’s portion.  It is good to have a family budget according to its income.



Model Budget for a Christian family







– – – – – –


– – – – –




– – – – –




– – – – –




– – – – –




– – – – –



To Church

– – – – –



Poor help

– – – – –



Any other

– – – – –




– – – – –


Note : You can design your family budget according to your income.  Expenses should not be beyond the income of family.


Essential Principles for Families


                   The Christian home is to be administered wisely for the purpose of God.


  • Salvation and edification of the immediate family.


  • A place that provides a context for security. Self-worth; acceptance, and mutual care for all the members of the household.


  • A place of comfort and encouragement to God’s people (other fellow Christians). Act 18 : 24-28.


  • A centre of evangelism in the community extending to the whole world.


  • A place of love and welcome to all other labour and are heavy laden.


  • A place where the wisdom of God is known (James 3 : 17).



  1. Stewardship of Giving / Helping


We must first recognize the truth that everything is the creation of God.  He has given all for us.  However, He is the real owner (1 Chr. 29 : 10-18).  People must give themselves, while offering to God (1 Chro. 20 : 5).  Not only every thing belong to God but also God gives us to strength to work and to earn (1 Sam. 2 : 6, 10).  As He strengthens us, we work and earn.  So we have to thank God by giving offering to Him.  So that He may bless our family and life further for our thankfulness.


The Bible encourages believers to bring offering to god (Gen. 28 : 13, 20, 32 & Deut. 16 : 17).  Tithe is the teaching of Old Testament, especially for the Jews.  However, the New Testament also teaches to give for God’s ministry and God’s people in need (1 Cor. 16 : 1-4 ; 2 Cor. 8-9).  We give to God, not for getting salvation, because we are saved by grace (Eph. 2 : 5, 9).  We give to God’s ministry for the extension of His kingdom by preaching the gospel.  Our giving may support the poor Christians (Gal. 6 : 9-10, Act. 11 : 28-30) and the Christian workers (Phil. 4 : 10-19).  God may reward our giving in eternity (Mt. 25 : 34).


  1. Stewardship Toward Others / Neighbours


“Where is Abel your brother?” (Gen 4 : 9).  God asked this question to Cain.  This clearly indicates every individual is having responsibility of loving, caring and protecting others.  Every individual must help each other.  We must not only love our brothers but also our neighbours even our enemies.  In helping others, the priority must be given to fellow Christians (“ . . .  especially to those who are of the household of faith” – Gal. 6 : 10).  After helping fellow Christians (household of faith), we mut help others, including poor, neighbours, friends foes etc.  What is the use, if we do not help fellow Christians (Jam. 2 : 15, 16).


                   Stewardship toward others includes (Mt. 25 : 31-46).


  • Giving to others
  • Forgiving others
  • Loving others (enemies also)
  • Treating others equally
  • Leading others to the light of Christ
  • Protecting others.


When every one has right principle of stewardship toward others, he will show love and concern for fellow human being.  This kind of caring attitude will bring tolerance, ultimately reduce the intensity of terrorism.  Every kind of terrorism will be solved by loving others as Jesus Christ said.  Moreover, God has promised the reward for caring others (Mt. 10 : 42).


  1. Stewardship and The Church


The church itself is a steward to the world (Mt. 28 : 18-20).  So, the church must motivate its members to be good stewards.  Every individual member of the church has the responsibility of preaching gospel, and supporting  ministry (Act. 4 : 32-35).  Gospel spread through out the world by the proper stewardship of early church, in the first century.   Every local church has the responsibility of preaching gospel to its neighbourhood of helping poor members of church and of caring others in the locality.  Proper stewardship will also help to incease the income of church.


  1. Stewardship of Christian Minister’s Life (Simplified)


It is not enough to refrain from certain things which are hurtful and wrong or evil.  The Christian must pulsate with positive power for righteousness.  Sins of omission are as deadly as sins of commission (Jam. 4 : 17).


  • Christians are to administer their lives for Christ to whom they belong. They are to put their lives each day to useful service (Eph. 5 : 14-17).


  • The Christian must put to use the whole of the life that he/ she holds in trust of God. (Mt. 6 : 24 ; Lk. 9 : 23).


  • The whole of life must be used according to the will of God (1 Cor. 6 : 19-20 ; 10 : 31).


  • The investment of life must be in such a way as to bring the greatest possible returns for God when wisely and faithfully administered (Please remember, we are not in a position to judge another person’s life. 14 : 10-14).



Paul illustrate the meaning and the mission of life (Phil. 1 : 21); His obligation (Rom. 1 : 14-15) and determination to meet the responsibility of a “debtor” is expressed in his wod “ready”.  Others too must accept the same responsibility, (2 Cor. 5 : 1q4-15); looking forward to the crown (2 Tim. 1 : 1, 5, 6).



          Scripture Examples


  1. According to Luke 16 : 9-13, I must be a faithful and wise steward in regard to the administration of all monies with which I am entrusted.


  1. According to Luke 19 : 12-26; the parable f the long journey and “pounds”; that which has been entrusted to us must be invested for God or we shall be held guilty.


  1. According to Matt. 25 : 14-30 (the parable of Talents) it is indicated that God has given opportunities, suitable and in harmony with the ability He has given.  Thus I am responsible to use opportunities given, to the fullest degree.


  1. Concluding Remarks


  1. Stewardhip is a matter of administration of all that God has entrusted to us (Life – Time – Truth – Possession / Treasure – Abilities / talents – Home, according to the will of god of which some have been revealed in His word, in faithfulness, wisdom and love.


  1. Questions to be asked regarding our stewardship.


  • How can I best invest my life?
  • How can I best invest my time?
  • How can I best invest my possession (physical and material)?
  • How can I best invest my abilities / talents?
  • How can I best invest the grce and truth entrusted to me?


  1. General observation for Stewardship.


  • God’s method is prayer, united prayer, not multiplied committees. Hudson Tailor said, “I must learn to love God by prayer alone”.
  • James 4 : 3, provides a warning for us. Prayer that is not motivated by the will and glory of God but rather self interest; is not faithful stewardship.
  • What are the priorities for prayer. The priorities for the prayer must be according to the revelation given by God. 


Ex. Paul’s prayer (What did he pray for).  He prayed for God’s will, when he was saved.


  1. Selected Proverbial sayings related to Stewardship.


  1. God calls men those who are busy; satan calls men those who are idle.


  1. You can give without loving, but you can not love without giving.


  1. Love seeks outlets not limits.


  1. God judges by what we give; not by what we keep (George Muller).


  1. He who has no vision of eternity will never know the true value of time.


  1. Every person is either a victim or a victor.


  1. it is better to be faithful than famous.


  1. Symbathy is no substitute for action.


  1. Giving is a grace, the lack of which is a disgrace.


10.He that does the will of god abides for ever.



The Result and Achievement of Stewardwhip


The true and faithful of stewardship has brought many good results in society.  The right Christian stewardship is always a role model to others.  God ssteward, preaches the gospel to the persons who are in darkness so that they may turn to the true light of Jesus Christ. (Jn. 1 : 1-12).  Good stewards visit the hospitals and need to give care and comfort.  They also establish charitable works to help the needy (Gal. 6 : 9-12).  After seeing many successful Christian achievements, others, including other religious persons began charitable works after the fasion of Christians.



Students Assignment


  1. Write the basic principles of stewardship.
  2. Explain God’s ownership.
  3. Explain wisdom and faithfulness in stewardship.
  4. What is the right motivation is stewardship.
  5. Explain about stewardship of time.
  6. Explain how to use money a right way.
  7. Explain the stewardship of family.



Note : Write the answers for the above questions and send your answer sheets to the Director, CALS.