BL - 36 Non - Pauline Epistles
Name : _____________________ Reg. No. ____________
(Hebrews – Jude)
Guidelines (King James Version Bible is used)
- Read the related Epistle from the Bible atleast twice, before answering the questions.
- Then Read the notes of each epistles (Bible Survey Notes) which are sent by CALS.
- Then Answer all the questions with the correct answers
- Send Filled-in answer sheet to CALS
(Answers are available in the Bible as well as the Bible Survey Notes of CALS or any notes on Bible Survey)
1. | The real author of the epistle of Hebrew is _______________ |
2. | Who did speak to the fathers by the prophets at the time past? _______________ |
3. | Who has sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high? _______________ |
4. | Who has a more excellent name than the angels? _______________ |
5. | Who are the ministering spirits? _______________ |
6. | Who was made little lower than the angels? _______________ |
7. | Who is the captain of salvation? _______________ |
8. | Who is the merciful and faithful high priest? _______________ |
9. | Who has more glory than Moses? _______________ |
10. | The word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two _______________ sword. |
11. | Who was the high priest that passed into the heavens? _______________ |
12. | Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of _______________ |
13. | Who was the high priest after the order of Melchizedek? _______________ |
14. | Will God forget our work and labor of love? _______________ |
15. | God made promise for _______________ |
16. | It was impossible for _______________ to lie. |
17. | Which is an anchor of the soul? _______________ |
18. | Melchizedek was the king of _______________ |
19. | Abraham paid tithes to _______________ |
20. | The name Melchizedek means _______________ |
21. | Our Lord Jesus sprang out of the tribe of _______________ |
22. | Who is the mediator of the better covenant or New covenant? _______________ |
23. | When did the High priest alone go once in a year in the Temple? _______________ |
24. | How shall Jesus Christ appear the second time? |
25. | Why should we not be wavering in our faith according to 10 : 23? _______________ |
26. | What is the substance of things hoped for? _______________ |
27. | Who is the author and finisher of our faith? _______________ |
28. | Who is the judge of all? _______________ |
29. | Who is the great shepherd of the sheep? _______________ |
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1. | James wrote to the _______________ tribes. |
2. | What is the result of trying of your faith? _______________ |
3. | When you lack of wisdom, whom should you ask? _______________ |
4. | A _______________ man is unstable in all his ways. |
5. | What we should not say when we are tempted? _______________ |
6. | Every man is _______________ when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. |
7. | Every good _______________ and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the _______________ of lights. |
8. | What is pure religion according to 1 : 27? _______________ |
9. | What is the royal law according the scripture? _______________ |
10. | Abraham _______________ God and it was imputed into him for righteousness. |
11. | Who was called the friend of God? _______________ |
12. | As the body without the spirit is dead, so _______________ without works is dead also. |
13. | Which is a small member of body that defiles the whole body? _______________ |
14. | Which is the one that no man can tame? _______________ |
15. | Does a fountain sendforth at the same place sweet water and bitter? _______________ |
16. | Which kind of wisdom is earthly, sensual and devilish? _______________ |
17. | What are the characteristics of wisdom from above? _______________, _______________, _______________, _______________, _______________, _______________ and _______________ |
18. | How the fruit of righteousness is shown? _______________ |
19. | From where do the wars and fightings come among you? _______________ |
20. | What is known as enmity with God? |
21. | How will the devil flee? _______________ |
22. | What should you, yourself do in the sight of God? _______________ |
23. | Who is able to save and to destroy? _______________ |
24. | The life is compared to _______________ in chapter 4. |
25. | Stablish your _______________ : for the coming of the Lord draweth high? |
26. | What character of Job is mentioned in Chapter 5? _______________ |
27. | What kind of man was Elijah? _______________ |
28. | How did Elijah pray for rain? _______________ |
29. | If one converts a sinner, what would be the result according to 5 : 19,20? _____________________________________________
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1. | _______________ was an apostle of Jesus Christ. |
2. | Peter wrote this epistle to the believers (strangers) in _______________, _______________, _______________, _______________ and _______________
3. | Why does Peter praise God in 1 : 3? _______________ |
4. | Faith is more precious than of _______________ |
5. | Whom do we love although we have not seen? _______________ |
6. | What did the Prophets of Old Testament do in relation with our salvation as mentioned in 1 : 9-12? |
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7. | What is that the angels desire to see? |
8. | Be ye _______________ for I (God) am holy. |
9. | We are not redeemed with corruptible things, as _______________ and _______________ |
10. | We are saved with the _______________ _______________ of _______________ . |
11. | The word of God is incorruptible _______________ . |
12. | All flesh is as _______________ . |
13. | A believer must desire the word of God as the _______________ babes desire for the sincere milk. |
14. | Christian believers are a chosen _______________ , a royal _______________ , a holy _______________ , and a peculiar _______________ . |
15. | What is the will of God as mentioned in 2 : 15? _______________ |
16. | Honour all men _______________ the brotherhood. _______________ God. _______________ the king. |
17. | Servants be subject to your _______________ |
18. | We are healed by his _______________ |
19. | _______________ is the shepherd and Bishop of your soul. |
20. | Wife must submit to your own _______________ |
21. | Which is great price in the sight of God. _______________ _______________ |
22. | _______________ obeyed Abraham, calling him _______________ |
23. | Husbands honour the wife as unto the _______________ vessel. |
24. | What is the will of God for believers as said in 3 : 17? _______________ |
25. | _______________ shall cover the multitude of sins? |
26. | Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify _______________ on this behalf. |
27. | What shall we receive when the chief shepherd shall appear? _______________ |
28. | Younger must submit yourselves unto the _______________ |
29. | God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the _______________ |
30. | God of all grace make you perfect, _______________ _______________ and settle you. |
1. | Simon Peter was an _______________ of Jesus Christ. |
2. | Grace and _______________ will be multiplied to us (you) through the knowledge of God. |
3. | Whom does God say “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”? _______________ |
4. | Were there false prophets among the people as mentioned in 2 : 1? _______________ |
5. | What are the characteristics of the false Teachers as mentioned in 2 : 1-3 |
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6. | What did God do to the angels that sinned? _______________ |
7. | Why did God save Noah? |
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8. | What did God do to Sodom and Gomarrah? _______________ _______________ |
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9. | Which prophet loved the wages of unrighteous man? _______________ |
10. | What are the characters of false teachers (prophets) given in 2 : 12-16? |
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11. | What end is reserved for the false prophets in 2 : 17? |
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12. | Why the false prophets are compared to the wells without water? |
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13. | What proverb about dog is compared to the false prophets? |
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14. | One day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one _______________ |
15. | The day of the Lord will come as a _______________ in the night. |
16. | Whom did Peter call our belived brother? _______________ |
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1. | What was from the beginning according to 1 : 1? |
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2. | Our fellowship is with the father and with his Son _______________ |
3. | Who wrote this epistle? _______________ |
4. | God is _______________ and in Him is no darkness at all. |
5. | The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all _______________ |
6. | If we say that we have no _______________ , we deceive ourselves. |
7. | If we confess our sins, he is _______________ and _______________ to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all _______________ |
8. | Who is our advocate with the father (in heaven)? |
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9. | _______________ is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole _______________ |
10. | He that saith, I know him (God) and keepeth not his commandments is a _______________ , and the truth is not in him. |
11. | Love not the _______________ , neither the things that are in the world. |
12. | He that doeth the will of _______________ abideth for ever. |
13. | He is _______________ , that denieth the Father and the Son. |
14 | Sin is the transgression of the _______________ according to 3 : 4. |
15. | _______________ is greater than our heart. |
16. | This is his (God’s) commandment, that we should believe on the _______________ of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another. |
17. | Every Spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of _______________ . |
18. | Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the _______________ |
19. | Who will overcome the world according to 5 : 5? |
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20. | Little children, keep yourself from _______________ Amen. |
1. | Apostle _______________ was the author of this epistle. |
2. | John wrote this epistle to an elect _______________ in the church. |
3. | Why did John rejoice as in v:4? |
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4. | Who are called the deceiver and an antichrist? |
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5. | What shall we receive as mentioned in v : 8? |
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6. | Who has no God as mentioned in v: 9? _______________ _______________ |
7. | He that abideth in the _______________ of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. |
8. | If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your _______________ |
9. | Who is the partaker of evil deeds in vv: 10, 11? |
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10. | The children of thy _______________ sister greet thee Amen. |
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1. | John, the apostle of _______________ wrote this epistle. |
2. | He wrote this epistle to a man named _______________ |
3. | I (John) wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy _______________ prospereth.
4. | Why did John rejoice greatly as in vv: 3,4? |
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5 | What did Gaius do to the strangers (pilgrim preachers)? |
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6. | What did Diotrephes do? |
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7. | What should we follow as Christians according to v:11? |
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8. | What was the report about Demetrius? |
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9. | Did John the apostle accepted the good report about Demetrius? |
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10. | By what key word of blessing, John greeted Gaius in v:14? |
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1. | Jude was the _______________ of Jesus Christ. |
2. | Whose brother was Jude? _______________ |
3. | What was the purpose of writing this epistle as mentioned in v:3? _______________ |
4. | What should we contend for as mentioned in v:3? |
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5. | What are the characteristics of false teachers mentioned in v:4? |
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6. | What is reserved for the disobeyed angels as mentioned in v:6? |
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7. | What did God do for Sodom and Gomorrah for their filthiness? |
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8. | What are the characters of filthy dreamers (False prophets)? |
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9. | Michael was an _______________ |
10. | With whom did Michael disputed about the body of Moses? |
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11 | They (False prophets) have gone in the _______________ of Cain and ran greedily after the _______________ of Balaam for reward and perished in the gainsaying of _______________ |
12. | What are the natural comparisons given to the false prophets in vv:12, 13? |
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13. | Enoch was the seventh from _______________ . |
14. | What was the prophecy of Enoch? |
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15. | Who are they walking after their own lusts? |
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16. | What are the characteristics of mockers as mentioned in vv:18,19? |
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17. | How does Jude exhort the believers in vv: 20-23? |
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18. | What should a believer do to bring others out of fire? |
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19. | What should a believer hate? |
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20. | What would God do to the believers as mentioned in v:24? |
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21. | What are the qualities of God mentioned in v:25? |
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Note: After filling this answer sheet, please send it to the Director, CALS. (If you want a copy, please Xerox it and keep it with you, because CALS will not return this sheet to you). |
Name : ________________________
Register No. : ________________________
Signature : ________________________